Privacy & Legal

Privacy Policy – EEA

Last updated: 18.11.2024, Version 4.0

Who are we and how can you contact us?

This privacy notice aims at giving you information on how your personal data are processed by Maestra B.V. or Mindbox USA LLC (whichever is applicable). In this notice, we refer to ourselves as ’we’, ’us’ and ’our’.

If you want to review, verify, correct or request erasure of your personal information, object to the processing of your personal data, or request that we transfer a copy of your personal information to another party, please contact us using:

The policy extends to:

  • our email

  • our product

  • our website

What data, for what purposes, on what basis, and for how long do we process?

  • Our internal operations. We act as a controller in the

    • following processings Sales

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Collecting data from potential customers
Legitimate interest to establish connections with people who might be interested in our services
Company name
Phone number
1 year after the last communication
DigitalOcean LLC
Communication with a potential customer (application processing, recommendations)
Legitimate interest to provide the interested person with information on our services
Company name
Phone number
1 year after the last communication
Google LLC
Pipedrive OÜ
Secondary communication with leads who are considering
Legitimate interest to provide the interested person with information on our services
Company name
Phone number
1 year after the last communication
Google LLC
Pipedrive OÜ
Maintaining a customer profile in CRM, saving the history of communication
Legitimate interest to sustain relations with potential and existing customers
Date of communication
History of communication
1 year after the last communication
Pipedrive OÜ
Manage customers’ complaints
Legitimate interest to ensure the quality of our services
Full name
until resolution of the problem + 6 months
Atlassian Pty Ltd
  • Contract conclusion, payment processing and reporting

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Manage accounts receivable
Contract If you choose not to give your data, your receivable account will not be managed
Full name (legal)
Payment amount
Status of payment
Company name
according to applicable law
Xero Limited
Manage accounts payable
Contract If you choose not to give your data, your payable account will not be managed
Full name (legal)
Payment amount
Status of payment
Company name
according to applicable law
Xero Limited
Sending information to the tax authorities
Legal obligation If you object to this processing, we will still be obliged to conduct it. Otherwise, we will be in the breach of national legislation.
Full name (legal)
Phone number
Position of an employee
Company name
Document authorizing to act on behalf of the company
Payment amount
according to applicable law
Data storage for reporting (accounting, audits)
Legal obligation If you object to this processing, we will still be obliged to conduct it. Otherwise, we will be in the breach of national legislation.
Full name (legal)
Phone number
Position of an employee
Company name
Document authorizing to act on behalf of the company
Payment amount
5 years after the termination of a contract
Pipedrive OÜ
Xero Limited
Google LLC
Conclude a contract with customers
Contract If you choose not to give your data, you will not be able to enter into contract with us
Full name (legal)
Phone number
Position of an employee
Company name
Document authorizing to act on behalf of the company
Payment amount
5 years after the termination of a contract
Pipedrive OÜ
Google LLC
DocuSign Inc.
Enable ongoing/repeatable payments for products/services
Contract If you choose not to give your data, your payment will not be processed
Full name (legal)
Position of an employee
Company name
Payment amount
Selected modules
according to applicable law
Billing, issue invoices
Contract If you choose not to give your data, you will not receive an invoice
Full name (legal)
Position of an employee
Company name
Payment amount
Status of payment
Number of an invoiceHelp customers complete transactions
according to applicable law
Xero Limited
Manage customers’ complaints
Legitimate interest to ensure the quality of our services
Full name
until resolution of the problem
Google LLC
Atlassian Pty Ltd
Help customers complete transactions
Legitimate interest to ensure the quality of our services
Company name
Payment amountManage customers’ complaints
1 year after the last communication
Pipedrive OÜ
Google LLC
  • Security

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Investigate security incidents
Legitimate interest to maintain security of our product
Access level
Internal ID (employee)
Event data (login, wrong password, project change)
until resolution of the problem
Corporation LLC
Amazon Web Services
Evaluate and remediate safety / accessibility issues (block of the account in case of 5 failed attempts to enter the password)
Legitimate interest to maintain security of our product
Access level
until resolution of the problem
Corporation LLC
Amazon Web Services
  • Project Maintenance

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Offer access to a demo of the Maestra service
Contract If you choose not to give your data, you will not get access to demo version
Phone number
Company name
Position of an employee
until the termination of a contract
Pipedrive OÜ
Create a new project (customer- owner account)
Contract If you choose not to give your data, you will not be registered in our system
Company name
until the termination of a contract
Microsoft Corporation LLC
Amazon Web Services
To manage customers’ subscription
Contract If you choose not to give your data, we will not be able to change the modules you are subscribed to
Company name
Selected modules
until the termination of a contract
Product support to customers (handling requests, consulting on Maestra system, project support, assistance in building filters in Maestra system for mailing lists)
Contract If you choose not to give your data, we will not be able to provide you support
Company name
until resolution of the problem
Atlassian Pty Ltd Google LLC
Intercom, Inc.
37signals LLC
Manage customers’ complaints
Legitimate interest to ensure the quality of our services
Full name
until resolution of the problem
Google LLC
Atlassian Pty Ltd
Schedule appointment and send reminders
Contract If you choose not to give your data, you will not be able to have a meeting with us
Recording of the meeting if requested
1 year after the last communication
Google LLC
Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Communicate developments / updates to customers
Legitimate interest to keep our customers updated on the product features
Selected modules
until the unsubscription
Google LLC
  • Marketing

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Track online behavior (websites)
IP address
Location (country or town)
OS type and version Browser type and version
Type of device and its display resolution
Traffic source for the visitor OS and browser language
Which buttons are being clicked
What pages are being opened
until you withdraw consent
Google LLC
Meta Platforms, Inc.
LinkedIn Corporation
Obtain and publish customers’ feedback
Company name
Position of an employee
until you withdraw consent
Digital Ocean LLC
Aut O’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd.
  • Machine Learning

Legal ground
Storage period
Data recipients
Algorithm training
Contract If you choose not to give your data, we will not be able to operate modules based on machine learning
Average click rate
Average open rate
History of customert’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
6 months after the termination of a contract
Microsoft Corporation LLC
Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web services
  • Maestra software. We process data on behalf of the customer and act as a processor in the following processings

    • Client profile maintenance

      Data recipients
      Creating a client (customer) profile in CDP
      Maestra ID (customer)
      Phone numbe
      IP address
      Date of birth
      Type of device and its display resolution
      Additional info (from the comments field)
      Extra fields added by customer
      Browser type and version
      Location (country or town)
      Registration date
      Corporation LLC
      Deutschland GmbH
      Amazon Web services
      Creating an employee account in the system
      Internal ID (employee)
      Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
      Amazon Web Services
      Access distribution for customert’s employees
      Access level
      Internal ID (employee)
      Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
      Amazon Web Services
      Logging customer logins and employee actions
      Time of the
      login Internal ID (employee)
      Actions with client’s data (editing, deletion, merging of the profiles etc.)
      Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
      Amazon Web Services
      Authorization of user
      Phone number
      Internal ID (employee)
      Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
      Amazon Web Services
  • Data collection of customer’s clients

Data recipients
To merge profiles of the same people
Phone number
App ID
Web ID
Maestra ID (customer)
Order number
Bank card cash
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Saving the history of customer’s actions on customer’s website, interactions with mailing lists etc. (actions)
What pages are being opened
Which buttons are being clicked
Whether the emails have been read (opening rate)
Orders history
Product lists
Information about the loyalty program
Maestra ID (customer)
Information about the lead form where the request was left
Whether the customer is logged in to the site Loyalty card activation
Bonuses accrual
Viewing product categories
Viewing product
Subscription status
Other actions
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
CDP segmentation (by behavior, purchases, and other personal data)
Maestra ID (customer)
Phone number
IP address
What pages are being opened
Which buttons are being clicked
Whether the emails have been read (opening rate)
Orders history
Product lists
Information about the loyalty program
Whether the customer is logged in to the site Loyalty card activation
Bonuses accrual
Viewing product categories
Viewing product
Subscription status
Other actions
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Building communication scenarios
Behavioral trigger
Maestra ID
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Collection of contacts from lead forms
Company name
Phone number
Information about the lead form where the request was left
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Albato Limited
Setting up loyalty programs
Maestra ID (customer)
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Uploading data to the system from CSV files or via API
Customer’s database
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Integration with third-party services for data collection
Customer’s database
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
  • Newsletters and push-notifications

Data recipients
Email newsletter
Subscription status
Behavioral trigger
Order/delivery status
Date of birth
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
SMS newsletter
Phone number
Subscription status
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
SMS newsletters providers
Mobile operators
Sending mobile push
Segment Subscription status
Filter indicated by the client
Clicks on the push
Device settings concerning sending mobile pushes
Sender ID
ID of the project in the firebase
Secret key
Tracker (configuration of parameters of service worker and firebase)
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Apple Push Notifications
Push Kit (Huawei)
Firebase Cloud Messaging (Google LLC)
Amazon Web Services
Sending web push
Segment Subscription status
Filter indicated by the client
Clicks on the push
Whether the browser allows to send push
Token (if the browser allows to send push)
Sender ID
ID of the project in the firebase
Secret key
Tracker (configuration of parameters of service worker and firebase)
Corporation LLC
Deutschland GmbH
Google LLC
Amazon Web Services
Integration with advertising tools
Customer’s database
Phone number
Date of birth
City Index
Corporation LLC
Amazon Web Services
Media S.à r.l.
Corporation LLC
Amazon Web Services
  • Personalisation

Data recipients
Send location-based marketing
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Service
Customization of popups, banners, embeddings and widgets
Subscription status
URL from which new lead was obtained
City ID
Date and time of creation
Number of purchases
Orders history
History of client’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
Time spent on the website
Bonuses accrual
Phone number
History of website visits
Type of device and its display resolution
Commentaries left in the form
Items in the shopping bag
Traffic source for the visitor
Actions on the website page
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Integration with advertising tools
Customer’s database
Phone number
Date of birth
City Index
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Setting up audiences for advertising tools
Customer’s database
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Auto update for advertising tools
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Retention marketing
Phone number
Orders history
Order amount
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Targeting by personal data and behavior on the site

Maestra ID (customer)
Phone number
IP address
What pages are being opened
Which buttons are being clicked
Whether the emails have been read (opening rate)
Orders history
Product lists
Information about the loyalty program
Other actions
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
  • Reports generation

Data recipients
Advertising campaign analytics and report generation (conversion, advertising effectiveness measurement)
What pages are being opened
Which buttons are being clicked
Whether the emails have been read (opening rate)
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Generating reports on newsletters
Clicks on the newsletter
Openings of the newsletter
Name of the newsletter
Newsletter campaign
Newsletter channel
Newsletter type
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Generating reports on customers
Subscription status
Brand Date of subscription
Whether client is registered on the chosen channel
Open rate
Average Click rate
Orders history
Viewing product
Viewing product categories
Information about the loyalty program
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Generating a report on billing actions
Customer’s billing actions
Date of actions
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
  • Modules operating based on machine learning

Data recipients
Generate the next offer
Orders history
Viewing product
Viewing product categories
Actions with client’s lists
Behaviour of similar clients
Client’s actions with product categories
The list of clients most likely to buy products (tomorrow)
Product recommendations
History of client’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
Web ID
Maestra ID (customer)
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Build a scenario of recommendations for products
Orders history
Viewing product
Viewing product categories
Actions with client’s lists
Behaviour of similar clients
Client’s actions with product categories
The list of clients most likely to buy products (tomorrow)
Product recommendations
History of client’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
Web ID
Maestra ID (customer)
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Determine the best time to send materials
Average click rate
Average open rate
History of client’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
Maestra ID (customer)
Distribution of the most appropriate time to send messages by days
Phone number
Contact point
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services
Finding Look-A-like audiences in relation to the products they buy
Behaviour of similar clients
History of client’s interaction with products, newsletters, etc.
Microsoft Corporation LLC Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH
Amazon Web Services

Where did we get your data from?

  • Browser

    Your internet browser (such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Internet Explorer) automatically transmits some information to us every time you access content on one of our internet domains. Examples of such information include the URL of the particular Web page you visited, the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer you are using, or the browser version that you are using to access the website.

  • Our customer

    Out customers can upload their databases to our system, which will create a profile of you as a customer’s client. The customer should inform you about that in their privacy notice.

  • Directly from you

    We may obtain personal data directly from you, e.g. when you contact us, when our cookies are enabled on the customers’ websites.

Cross-border transfer?

Information about these companies and their data protection practices:

Internal operations

  • Maestra

    Maestra has sales, marketing, R&D, support, accounting team in Kazakhstan and Armenia.

    They work in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The relevant agreements are used to ensure that your personal data are properly protected.

  • Digital Ocean LLC

    Diginal Ocean is a hosting for our website The recipient is located in the USA. Relevant Privacy Policy of Digital Ocean LLC. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Google LLC

    The services for internal data storage and communications are provided by Google LLC. Address: Google LLC, Google Data Protection Office, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, USA. Relevant privacy policy of Google. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to Google to ensure that they are properly protected. For more information: click on this link.

  • DocuSign Inc.

    We use DocuSign in order to sign the agreements with customers electronically. Address: 221 Main St., Suite 1000 San Francisco, USA. Relevant privacy policy of DocuSign. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Atlassian Pty Ltd

    To manage the tasks within our team, we use such tools as Trello and Slack. Some of your personal information (such as support request) may be processed within these tools.

    Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • 37signals LLC

    We use Basecamp provided by 37signals LLC located in the USA to manage our projects. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

    The video conference calls services are provided by Zoom Video Communications, Inc. Address: 55 Almaden Boulevard, 6 th Floor, San Jose, California 95113, USA. Relevant privacy policy of Zoom. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • LinkedIn Corporation

    The marketing services are provided by Linkedin Corporation. Address: 1000 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA. Relevant privacy policy of Linkedin. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data.

    Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Meta Platforms, Inc.

    The marketing services are provided by Meta Platforms, Inc. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data.

  • Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • HubSpot Inc.

    The services for storing customer databases for sales and marketing purposes, communications are provided by HubSpot Inc., the U.S. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data.

    Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Infobip

    Infobip, United Kingdom. Infobip provides global mobile messaging and infrastructure services for enterprice business communication. Relevant privacy policy.

    Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

Maestra software

  • Maestra

    Maestra has sales, marketing, R&D, support, accounting team in Kazakhstan and Armenia. They work in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The relevant agreements are used to ensure that your personal data are properly protected.


  • Apple

    If you are Maestra Customer and your clients use iPhone, when Maestra send mobile push notification to them, Apple Push Notification service (APNs) receives your clients’ data. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Push Kit

    If you are Maestra customer and your clients use Huawei phone, when Maestra send mobile push notification to them, Push Kit, operated by Huawei receives your clients’ data. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Firebase Cloud Messaging

    If you are Maestra customer and your clients use Andriod phone, when Maestra send mobile push notification to them, Firebase Cloud Messaging, operated by Google LLC receives your clients’ data. Relevant privacy policy. Unfortunately, the country of data recipient doesn’t ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data. Standard Contractual Clauses are used to transfer your data to ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Mobile operators

    When we send SMS newsletters, some personal information may be collected by mobile operators. The customer chooses which mobile operator will be operating the processing.

  • SMS newsletter providers

    When we send SMS newsletters, the customer may refer to the services of SMS newsletter providers and choose the appropriate one.

Where Maestra store Customer’s data

We store your data within the EU in order ensure that they are properly protected.

  • Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft provides could services called «Microsoft Azure» where we store Customer’s data. We rent servers in the Eurozone, that is, your data is stored on the servers located in the EU.

    Address: Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, Attn: Data Protection Officer, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland. Relevant privacy policy of Microsoft Corporation.

  • Amazon Web Services

    Amazon provides could services called «Amazon Web Services» where we store customer’s data. We rent servers in the Eurozone, that is, your data is stored on the servers located in the EU.

    Address: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 38 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg. Relevant privacy policy of Amazon Web Services.

  • Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH

    Leaseweb is a data center where we rent servers for storing customer’s data. We rent servers in the Eurozone, that is, your data is stored on the servers located in the EU.

    Address: Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH Hanauer Landstraße 121 60314 Frankfurt am Main. Relevant privacy policy of Leaseweb.

Automated decisions

Our customer can activate the module based on machine learning. We use machine learning to determine product recommendations and best time to send the materials.

Your rights

request information about the processing of your personal data obtain access to the personal data held about you

Under Article 15 of the GDPR, individuals have a right of access that gives them the right to obtain a copy of their personal data, as well as other supplementary information. It helps individuals to understand how and why companies are using their data, and check the lawfulness of the processing.

ask for incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data to be corrected

Under Article 16 of the GDPR, individuals have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified. An individual may also be able to have incomplete personal data completed — although this will depend on the purposes for the processing.

request that personal data be erased when they are no longer needed or if processing is unlawful

Under Article 17< of the GDPR, individuals have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the ’right to be forgotten’. The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in specific cases

Article 18 of the GDPR gives individuals the right to restrict the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances. This means that an individual can limit the way that an organisation uses their data. This is an alternative to requesting the erasure of their data.

receive your personal data in a machine-readable format and send them to another controller (’data portability’)

Under Article 20 of theGDPR, individuals have the right to data portability that gives individuals the right to receive personal data they have provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format. It also gives them the right to request that a controller transmits those data directly to another controller.

object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes or on grounds relating to your particular situation

Article 21 of theGDPR gives individuals the right to object to the processing of their personal data at any time. This effectively allows individuals to stop or prevent you from processing their personal data.

request that decisions based on automated processing concerning you or significantly affecting you and based on your personal data are made by natural persons, not only by computers. You also have the right in this case to express your point of view and to challenge the decision

withdraw your consent at any time

The GDPR gives a specific right to withdraw consent. You need to tell people about their right to withdraw, and offer them easy ways to withdraw consent at any time.

lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

In accordance with Article 77 of theGDPR, you, as a data subject, have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work, or where an alleged infringement of the GDPR has taken place.If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data, you can contact us by using our email: