Enlightened Equipment Boosts Average Order Value by 38.7% using Smart Up-sell Bar

Enlightened Equipment is a premier outdoor gear manufacturer specializing in sleeping quilts, apparel, and accessories for backpackers.
Company size. 
2 million yearly website visitors.
Director of Marketing, Enlightened Equipment
Struggled to increase average order value (AOV) without relying on discounts
In just one hour, implemented Maestra’s up-sell bar which: • highlights benefits, such as free shipping, unlocked at specific order values,• сalculates and displays the exact amount needed to unlock the next benefit
Based on A/B testing compared to the control group: +38.7% growth in AOV  +$99.8 per order

Integrated with: 


Switched to Maestra from: 



  • +38.7% 
    growth in AOV
  • +$99.8
    per order

Based on A/B testing compared to the control group

A/B test configured in Maestra: Control group vs Up-sell Bar over a 38-day period
A/B test configured in Maestra: Control group vs Up-sell Bar over a 38-day period


Up-sell Bar

The Up-sell Bar updates in real time displaying the exact amount needed to unlock the next benefit—first free shipping, followed by a free pillow pad.
If a customer has only three items worth $82 in their cart, the up-sell bar suggests adding $12 more to qualify for free shipping
If a customer has only three items worth $82 in their cart, the up-sell bar suggests adding $12 more to qualify for free shipping
Once the free shipping threshold is reached, the bar then encourages the customer to spend more to hit $350 and receive a free pillow pad
Once the free shipping threshold is reached, the bar then encourages the customer to spend more to hit $350 and receive a free pillow pad

More Ways We Helped Enlightened Equipment

Don’t forget to check out more case studies featuring the Enlightened Equipment experience: