Direct Communications Contribute to 29.4% of D-Steimatzky’s Revenue

D-Steimatzky is an Israeli digital book store founded in 2015. The store offers Hebrew books and translated literature.
Company size. 
70,000+ customers
Co-Founder and Product Manager of D-Steimatzky
Co-Founder and ex-CEO of D-Steimatzky
Increase email channel revenue share
Implement marketing automation platformLaunch 21 automated campaignsCreate precise audience segments for bulk email campaigns
29.4% of revenue is now generated by direct communications

Integrated with: 

WooCommerce-based websiteNative iOS and Android mobile apps
Noteworthy features
A WhatsApp group with book recommendations and discounts for books within a specific genre
Israeli digital bookstore, D-Steimatzky, sells e-books and operates in a highly competitive market. Because of this, fostering brand loyalty — leveraging personalized communications — is crucial for the company. However, D-Steimatzky’s IT stack had limitations in segmenting customers and delivering personalized offers to them.
In the Spring of 2023, the company transitioned to Maestra’s marketing automation platform. Now, direct communications contribute to 29.4% of the retailer’s revenue.
In this case study, we’ll go into detail on how Maestra assists D-Steimatzky in:
  • Expanding their customer base and uniting readers into interest-based communities using pop-ups to drive long-term brand loyalty;
  • Creating on-going customer touch-points by sending automated campaigns throughout the customer lifecycle;
  • Distributing targeted communications to customer segments based on their past interactions to drive sales.

Marketing Automation Results

29.4% Campaign Revenue Share

Why and How D-Steimatzky Implemented Maestra

In 2023 the company went through a rebranding process, transitioning from GetBooks to D-Steimatzky. This led to revamping their entire IT stack with a new website and reading app. For the new stack, the brand wanted to choose a powerful tool for marketing communications.
Since the implementation of Maestra was part of the launch of D-Steimatzky’s new IT stack, the integration of the platform happened on their end.

Automated Campaigns Launched with Specific Conditions

Before the integration, the Maestra team assisted D-Steimatzky in creating an extensive plan of automated campaigns. All flows were built with varying degrees of complexity. Out of all the campaigns proposed, 7 have already been implemented:
Since implementing Maestra three months ago, D-Steimatzky has begun gradually launching these campaigns, starting with the basic ones. They currently have 21 automated campaigns in total (with more in progress), consisting of emails and pop-ups on the website.

Welcome pop-up and email with recommendations

  • 4.85 %
    of the audience that views this pop-up subscribes to D-Steimatzky’s mailing list
New customers are displayed a pop-up offering a 10% discount in exchange for subscribing to email marketing campaigns.
Pop-up with a 10% discount for the customer’s first order
Once a customer signs up to the mailing list, they are sent an email campaign with a personalized 10% discount code and a selection of recommended best-selling books:

WhatsApp Invitation

  • 14.76 %
    CTR of pop-up with invitation to join a WhatsApp group
Once a customer has browsed books of a certain genre, they are displayed a pop-up with a link to join a WhatsApp group dedicated to the genre:
A pop-up inviting customers to join a WhatsApp group dedicated to romantic literature, with special offers and book recommendations

Abandoned Browse and Cart

Customers that have browsed books or added them to cart without completing the checkout process are sent a reminder about their abandoned order:
Campaign showcasing the books the customer browsed during their last session
Abandoned cart campaign: By clicking any of the buttons, the customer is conveniently redirected back to the checkout page

How Bulk Campaign Audiences are Segmented

Email Book Digests

The company frequently sends out bulk emails containing digests of new books and bestsellers across various genres.
A digest with books of different genres — from business to romantic literature
A weekly “New Books” digest

Segmented Mobile Push Offers

Mobile push notifications for romantic and erotic literature fans offer customers new and popular books of these genres

Next Steps

The brand’s main priority is optimizing and growing its loyal customer base.